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Monday, September 27, 2010

a month and a day

Today's posting is to just let things off my chest so that I can make room to catch you up on the last month, and to better explain the point of this blog. After this one, I will write on the regular to keep you updated on what's going on with me and my 40/40 list.

I've been a year older for exactly one month and still not exactly sure about what I'm suppose to doing. For the last month I've been traveling, searching, and sharing my time with friends and family, and thinking about making decisions. (hahahaha)

So... At this point in time, I acknowledge that I've just been going through the motions of life, and I'm soooooooo ready for that to be done. I am ready to live!!!!

I have a life overflowing with blessings, and it's time for me to fully take advantage of the gifts my heavenly father has given me. Time to take much better care, than I have for the last 40yrs.

For the last month or so, there has been a reoccurring theme, and isn't it great when people point your issues/faults out. So I'm accepting one fault at a time, and deciding that today is the last that I will worry over it. Starting today, I am going to look "fear" into the face, and push it out of my way.

In my preparation for my New Year, I came to realize that my focus needed to shift, and get specific. I am now directing my attention toward some things, and not worry about others. I've decided that it is time to go back to school for my master's (still trying to decide what), and let God handle everything else. What is everything else you may ask?? Well a job. I'm finally starting to hear back from resumes I put out 5mons ago, and I am not on the short or long list for them. The second thing I'm not stressing over, is a man. YES!!! I'd love to be in a relationship, heading to the alter and a family, but it's obvious I am not in the place God would have me to be, to be in THAT relationship. So as I prepare to begin, and complete the next part of my educational journey, if God sees fit to put "him" into my life, that is when it will happen.

I've learned, that when I take that first step the second is easier, and by the third I've got a rhythm and flow that can't be stopped. So, I am getting prayed up... I will die to my Father, so that He may have His way with me, and He can use me to do what it was I am purposed for on this earth. By doing that, the worries will become few, and life will be effortless.