
Nice to meet you...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday Magic

At the last minute I decided to "make" dinner at my dad's for Thanksgiving.
So with the help of Sam's, Stoffers, Stove Top & Publix... the meal was not bad.
I did have 3 other places to make it to, and only made it to one. Holidays are killer when it comes to spending time with others. I look forward to having my own place in the next few months (because I am getting that job!!), and everyone can come to me :-)

So I have my Christmas list, and I did get out to do some shopping. Not as organized as usual, but I pretty much went to where I needed to go. If I had a couple hundred more, I would have been able to take care of everyone on my list right now. And another couple hundred more, a few things for me too :-)

My mom asked me what I wanted, and really what I want, she can't give. A job & my own place is a great start. But otherwise I have a list of electronics, a Wii, a gps, a new digital camera and a flip.... you know the stuff that is on sale now. But the stuff is not important.

I'm looking for ways to be out and around other people so that I am able to share God's love. I took my nephew to lunch this past week and because we were outside, I ended up buying lunch for a homeless man. I'm hoping to volunteer with the Salvation Army toy drive set-up and a friend's church that will be making bagged lunches. But I will be going back for my 5th year to volunteer with Baby DJ. Volunteering is on my list of 40 things, I just gotta seek out the opportunities, and find some diversity.

This is the season of giving, and so many people are in need. When the "holiday season" is over, i don't plan to stop. And with that, I hope that you are inspired to share your time with someone too.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Friday Night &

Sorry, I forgot to blog last Friday... BUT I'm here NOW!!
So I'm working on getting serious about my list and just getting focused
period, including getting healthy.
One of my best friends has turned me onto boot camp and Zumba classes. BBBOOOOOOOO!!!
But I'm trying to get moving. By the end of this year I need to no look like an improved me right now.
I pray everyday, but being motivated to do anything has been a challenge, and I guess it is for anyone that is trying to figure out which way they should turn to move in a forward motions.
I did start working for the botanical garden in Winter Park, which is wide open for me to
do what I want to do, how I want to do it. Only thing is that it is not completely funded, so
I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm looking at least 8-10 months.
Then I had an interview with an organization I found through the Clinton Foundation. They want the job filled by the end of the year to have the person attend a conference in January. I'd have to travel the state, but I'd still be able to work for the garden......
So let's all take a moment of silence for me and this job................ AMEN!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

the last one

So here is my completed list finally.
I'm wwaaayyyy behind, but here we go!!
Take a look and tell me what you think...

1. Read 40 books

2. Listen to 40 new music artists

3. 40 new restaurants

4. 40 drinks

5. 40 different/new foods

6. Lose 40lbs

7. 40 dates

8. Start voice lessons

.9 Go 40 miles East/West/North/South

19. Make 40 recipes

11. 40 social events

12. Start a blog

13 Try 40 new wines

14 Donate 40pcs of clothing

15. Write 40 short stories

16. See 40 indie films

17. Frame 40 pictures to give away

18. Attend 40 garage sales/farmers markets

19. Kiss 40 guys in 40 days

20. Write 40 letters

21. Take pictures in 40 outfits

22. Give away $40

23. Learn to say hello in 40 different languages

24. Reconnect with 40 people

25. Attend 40 social events

26. Sing in public

27. Give away 40 roses to 40 women or people

28. Plant 40 different things (trees, plants)

29. Learn to play the guitar

30. Volunteer 40hrs

31. Buy 40 lottery tickets

32. Go to 40 new bars/lounges

33. Give away 40 bag lunches to someone homeless

34. Take a ballroom dancing class

35. Watch 40 old school movies 1970 and older

36. See the sunrise &/or sunset on both coast in one day

37. Make a quilt or complete a knitting piece

38. Buy drinks for 40 strangers

39. Collect 40 postcards from around the country/world

40. Leave 40 notes for 40 people

better late

so I didn't make it for Friday... but it's all good.

I'm starting to feel the energy flow through me that will have me moving into a purposeful direction.

Starting with my list :-)
The other morning I woke up with a thought on my mind, and 45mins later, I had a children's book written. Now to find an artist and learn how to get it published.

I got my guitar restrung, now to sit down with my dvd to learn the basics & once I've found a job, I'll be ready to pay someone for "real" lessons, as well has voice.

Speaking of job. I kinda miss having somewhere to go in the mornings, but I don't miss the drama that goes along with it.

I'm ready for God to sweep through my life, clear away the clutter and reveal a clear path for me. I need to get outside of my nice comfy, at times annoying box, so that I am able to move into my purpose, and bring a smile to God's face.