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Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Friday Night &

Sorry, I forgot to blog last Friday... BUT I'm here NOW!!
So I'm working on getting serious about my list and just getting focused
period, including getting healthy.
One of my best friends has turned me onto boot camp and Zumba classes. BBBOOOOOOOO!!!
But I'm trying to get moving. By the end of this year I need to no look like an improved me right now.
I pray everyday, but being motivated to do anything has been a challenge, and I guess it is for anyone that is trying to figure out which way they should turn to move in a forward motions.
I did start working for the botanical garden in Winter Park, which is wide open for me to
do what I want to do, how I want to do it. Only thing is that it is not completely funded, so
I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm looking at least 8-10 months.
Then I had an interview with an organization I found through the Clinton Foundation. They want the job filled by the end of the year to have the person attend a conference in January. I'd have to travel the state, but I'd still be able to work for the garden......
So let's all take a moment of silence for me and this job................ AMEN!!!

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