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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Week Ago

Two week ago today time stood still for a moment.
I got news that a friend was shot and killed by her husband. WOW!!

A week ago, I traveled, reconnected with people, and said thank you to God for the blessing of my friend. We said good-bye to her.

Two weeks ago, two young children lost both of their parents.

A week ago, people that they'd never seen or heard of before, gathered around them to show those children love and concern for their future.

Today, we sit wondering, why? Why people can be so selfish, heartless and cold? We don't questions God, but question man.

Since 9-11, there has been a shift in how we treat each other. We don't speak to one another let a long look into each other's eyes. When people complain about today's "youth" and their behavior and lack of respect.. I think about the examples that are being set for them in and outside their homes. When the President, is cursed in-front of not just a room full of people.. but the world, how can we say we are surprised at the behaviors of others.

We can questions so much about life, but when it comes to the fundamentals of how we treat one another, how can we really say we are surprised?

I can count on my two hands how many friends I've lost since graduating from high school, and I still have fingers left (Thank God)... but the manner of loss is just blowing away. You never think that certain things that happen in the world, would ever touch your own life. But the world is a different place, that if "WE" don't step up to reclaim and reach back to "take back our territory", we will be truly lost, and always looking over our shoulder at those we should be able to trust.

So people... it's up to us. We are broken, but we are fixable... at least for now. What is the plan to fix it.

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