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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

More questions from Oprah

Well... Oprah's magazine has posted some more questions.
And since I'm to sleepy to think of anything original to type right now...

8 Questions to Ask Yourself This Year
You want change? Here's how to get it—in big, fat, meaningful ways—from a few of this year's freshest, wisest thinkers.By Leigh Newman

Read more:

1. What's the greatest risk?
The biggest risk is feeling alone, lost, no control, no possibilities, no hope, no love, no chances, no idea of the direction to turn.  For the most part I've repeated myself, but I end the end, it's about the hurt that comes
with all listed.  Hurt by others, hurt by myself.  I just want to be happy.

2. How often do I say what I know not to say?
This is an alllll the time thing.  Though some people see me as being straight and blunt...
That really only happens when I am done with a situation, that doesn't look as if it is going to change,
or I'm just ready to be done & fine with walking away.
Honestly, half of what I feel like saying, I don't.  I believe in picking and choosing my battles.  And
hurting people, is not worth the energy.

3. What is your view from the vacant chair?
Up until I was in my late teens/very early 20's, I imagined my life to be on schedule: college, teaching, married, kids.  Pretty much the "American Dream."  When I changed positions on the porch, my view
was pretty much the same thing, just a shift in time.  

4. Are you arguing against reality?
I'll admit it... Yes I am, on several fronts.
But sometimes we have to slowly move into reality, and not just dive in.
Everything is a process... some are slower than others.

5. Have I finally forgiven X or am I just pretending?
I have forgiven some people this year.  I've made the decision to let things lie where they are and to
move forward.  I recognize that I can't go back & change what may or may not have happened, but
things can move from where "we" are.
But there are some that I have let go of whatever hurt, and I've decide that I Can't have them in my
life... there really is no point.  The trust that I blindly placed with them, is never going to be able to
outrun the memories that they left me with.  I've forgiven, and gotten smarter, and respect me more.

6. Am I ready to be just another ordinary hero?
I think I want to appreciated more than loved.  I want to know that I am an example, and not just
a person people look at.  I'm ok with ordinary.

7. Am I making what I do known?
Simply put... NOPE!! lol
I've never been one to really say... I did this, or I did that.  Matter of fact, I'm bad at cataloging my
accomplishments.  I have to talk to family & friends to remind me of all the things that I've done.
They see me better than I see me.  I ignore me.  I gotta start being proud of me & loving me more.

8. What am I doing with my in-between time?
Sadly, I'm not really doing all I could with my in-between time, and mostly it's because I'm lazy.
But I'm done with excuses, and getting out the door.  I'm ready for a change, and the only way
to have that change happen, is for me to get outta my bed, and get things started and done.
Early to bed... Well... I'll work on rising early... lol

So those are my questions for the year.
I'll review them in 6mons... then 12.
As I try to set my goals (not my resolutions) for this year, including keeping this blog up.
So on the 6's, I'll be keeping this updated, hope you can keep up.

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