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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cheers to a better year!!! Happy 2014!!!

I've not kept the blog up... So today, this moment, I'm starting with something that is guided by someone else... specifically ... Oprah!!! lol
Posted earlier this month on her website, was a list of 11 things that everyone woman should do write before the year's end....  Well here goes.. (I'm on the line)

1. What Younger You Would Like About Present You
My younger me, would like that I am interested in giving my time to the community, to build it up, and find ways to grow it.  And that I only want to help, the best way I know how, whether time, energy, or money... however I can give.  That I love to travel, and I've been to Africa twice, including living there for three months.  

2. The Watched/Read It List

The last movie I saw was Frozen, with Kym and Emily.
This week I will be reading  Supernatural Provision, and the Four Agreements.
I'm working to be more spiritually centered and God bound.

3. The Mistake You Never Want to Make
I will think, and not be ruled by fear.  I will not put all of my faith in "man," and remember 
that God, will always carry me, when I stop fighting Him, and let Him be.

4. Your Ideal Outfit

In a perfect world, I'd be wearing a long dolmen sleeve maxi dress with a straight skirt.  I'm not wearing it right now because 1.  I can't find the exact dress... & b. my body is not what I'd want it to be to wear the dress.  But by next New Year's!!! (if not before), I'll find the dress & I'll be wearing it!!!

5. A Deep, Dark—Shhh—Secret

We all have them... and I won't be posting this publicly, but my secret has taught me a lesson about love, and trust.

6. The Most Unexpected Compliment You Ever Got
Anytime my Step-dad tells me anything, that shows any pride in me.  We don't fight a lot, but we don't talk a lot either.  And as he gets older, and as his health becomes a challenge, I see him soften, he even kisses me on the cheek from time to time.

7. That One Quote

Right now... all I can say is "to thine on-self, be true."
But my own saying is... "No opinion solicited, none given."  Sometimes people just want you to listen, not talk.

8. The Best Surprise You've Ever Had

Having friends rent/borrow a car, to surprise me when I need to have hugs, and someone to wipe my tears.

9. Your True Happiness

My true happiness would be meeting, or realizing my husband.  Getting married, being able to afford a home on a piece of property, that would allow me the space to have my parents live "with" us.  To have kids, to watch them grow up into awesome God loving people, and live to see my grandchildren.
I'd like to be able to successfully publish books (especially children's), and start a non-profit that that gets people to open their mind.
To be able to travel, and have the things I want and need, when I want and need.
To live a long healthy life.

10. Your Favorite Failure

My best failure... if I am to call it that, is asking a man out, only to find out he's dating someone.  Having bad information, I went for it.  I still laugh at it.  I can say I've done it, at least once.

11. An Amendment to the Bucket List

I don't have a bucket list.  I've thought about it, but honestly, I look to the future to have my new experiences.  My dreams as far as I'm concerned is simple, and doable.  And I can't have a list, without my husband.

This is my list.  As I think about this year passed, I can think of a few things that stick out, good, bad, or indifferent, but I am not focused on the past... Because I'm soooo ready for my future.


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