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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy New!!! To ME!!!

My birthday is just a few days away...

It's MY New Year's!!!

As I think about what it is I want to do in the this New Year, my resolutions, they've been coming to me slowly, but surely unlike before, these will stay at the for front of my mind, because to break them, would be breaking a promise to two of the most important people in my life... Me and God.  My list will grow, but for now here is where I am.

1. Take better care of me.
    Over the last couple years, especially since I've not had a full time steady job, I've been doing for others.  No I don't look to get anything back, because that is not a reason to give, but in the end I realized, there was nothing much of me left, because I wasn't being poured back into.  Those that took, didn't replenish.  So for the last few years, I've fasted from the word yes, and stop being the person to volunteer any assistance for even the simplest thing.  Sometimes you have to step back.

2.  I'm Giving more to God.
      I do believe I serve Him in many ways, I: volunteer, donate, take time out, try to be thoughtful, I pray for others, and try to be mindful to praise Him in good and bad. BUT I've not given over to him.  I've not let him take full control over my life, so that I can have what I want, need, and desire.  More importantly, so that I can be where He would have me to be, and be WHO He made me to be.

3. Keep promises to myself.
      I've said for a while, that the easiest person to to break a promise to... is ourselves.  We hold other people to a higher standard, and hold them accountable to their own word, but we don't do to ourselves, for ourselves.  It is a challenge for everyone, but in listing to the author of the 4 Agreements, you must be impeccable with your words... and it starts with you.

Everything beyond that is an added bonus.

a.  Give something away every month on the 26.
    God gave me a wonderful life, I can take a moment and sow into someone else's life.

b. Develop the curriculum for my Mother/Daughter project, and my Saturday School.  That includes the business plan.

c. ???

This list is a start.  I don't have a specific number that I want to complete, it's just a matter of what is right for me.  So before the week is over, I will add more.  Chances are... I'll at to this list through out the year once I feel the changes with inside of me.  Do you have any ideas??

This year there needs to be about change, positive change.  And it makes me wonder, how many people will not be a part of that change.  But then again, not everything is meant to be personal.

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