
Nice to meet you...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Ramblings on A Good Guy and Control
Sunday, January 9, 2011
inspired to an epiphany
Ok, another blog within hours. Before warned that this will totally be a grammatical mess, but hopefully you can me sense of this. So here we goooooo!!!
I just had an epiphany! I realized that it’s been over 2yrs since I’ve had an interest in any man since Red. With Red, I accept the responsibility for breaking my own heart.
Before we met, I’d prayed for someone that would want me more than I wanted them, and I would be able to walk away from. Just someone to hang out with & they spend their money on me. For years I dated a guy that I treated & drove and HELL… that mo’fo was a scrub J… but poor Red, he came at the wrong time. He came right after a time I was literally abandoned by 2 different guys.
One, a med student I’d met with one of my bff’s. He didn’t stay in touch, but when I was in town, he’d drive out of his way to see me. He gave the impression that he was in to me. Guy #2, came to me my last hours in Ghana; planning to come to the states for school, I prepared my mind for him to become a father. Both just stopped communication. Both disappeared. One I kept emailing, and eventually when he translated written word into a questioning of his “manhood” only then did I get a response. The other, I found on fb (after I deleted him from my fb & myspace page). I said hi, he questioned what happened, I said you didn’t seem to be interested in communicating, so I deleted you. I was thinking, you didn’t bother to contact me, & now you don’t say anything to say any different, so he will stay in the past. Then 2 months after I returned from Ghana, I met Red though a friend. Sweet guy, good looking, very loving & attentive, he was ready to plunge into marriage within months of meeting/dating.
Because I never gave him the real attention he deserved, he found someone to give it to him. He was the first guy that I dated that was not a “wounded puppy.” He took me by surprised. God took me by surprise! I didn’t know what to do with him.
So now, just over 2yrs, someone has caught my eye. Can’t say that I picture him as my forever. Can’t even say I picture us doing more hand holding hands, cuddling and just chatting? But it’s been soooo long, so long. I miss the affection, and I’m trying to wait on God to get me to that person, but right now, I’m looking to get to know “him.” Now to figure out what his deal is.
Is it a joke? Is he that much of a tease? He takes my hand outta nowhere…. but I pull back for fear, fear of reading too much into it. UGH!!! I look forward to being outta the dating scene… cause this mystery stuff SUCKS!!!!!
But that interest, and on action inspired me to do something I’ve not really done in years. I wrote a poem. Before it’s over... there will be more. BTW, not sure if I will post the poem or not? Maybe down the road I’ll share with you. Maybe?
Oh well… that’s a lot to think of… a lot to live through. So stay tuned.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Getting Out
This week, I think was the first time in my life that I went out 4 days outta 7. LOL!!! I’m in the wrong house for that!! When I got ready to leave last night (of course I left late!!), my mother was like “where you going at 11 o’clock at night.” Well I know eventually the comments will come, but it’s ok. I’ve been content with living inside four walls without a true interest in really actively seeking, exploring and finding out about outside the 4-walls.
So this week it was The Grande, then the museum, then Hip Hop Karaoke, and tonight the Waldorf (the 3rd week in a row). Now, listening to the very talented young man play the piano is nice, and the place is cool… but, I don’t want to be looked at as a stalker. ROFL!!! But right now money is tight & I can’t really think of another place to go. So it’s back to the Waldorf with “new” friends.
Something else I did this week was reviewing my list. I needed to update and see where I am. Some things are done, some in good progress, others just dayum stalled. Especially the “man” part of the list. If you recall, I have “kiss 40 men” and “go on 40 dates” (which is going be changed). It will change to 2 dates with 20 guys, or whatever to add up to 40. So with that said… I went on one date, and that is when I decided to change it, BUT, I can’t get the guy to call me back. I have a 2 more friends that said they would go on dates with me, but it’s a matter of just getting them when they have time. Then I have 1 I think I’d just plain like to date, but don’t think he’s interested in me, so if I can get him to go out to lunch or whatever, I’d be happy just to get to know him.