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Monday, May 30, 2011

less than

In less than 3 months, I'll be a year older. UGH!!! Can't say that I'm not ready. I'm just thinking how I am nowhere near where I thought I'd be.

I single, living at home, over weight, with a job that is just a job with no future, praying to have stronger faith that will help me to find peace where I am, and an energy to burst out. I never imagined life to be this way. I'm listening to those around me and their impressions of me, and looking at myself thinking who I am? Who I want to be? But mostly, who I am meant to be?

But I accept my responsibility for the things I've done in the past that may not have been perfect, but in the end they were my lessons to learn. Now I just want to build on my lessons.

Tonight before I go to bed, I'll start a list of all the things that I am thankful for. And I'll make a list of all the things that I want for my life. All that I believe that are possible right now.

I admit, I do wish life was easier. I wish there was someONE person walking this earth, that could tell me exactly what to do so that I can move in some direction in my life. I can't say that I'm spinning my wheels, I can't even say that I've even turned the key.

I guess that key needs to be to set my goals, aim high, and anything that the arrow lands on below, is just a stepping stone to where I need to be.

I'm always Praying for better.

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