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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hands Up

I've been told, and I agree...
When I let "you" into my life, I welcome you with the expectations that you will stay forever!!
But the reality is, some people do come to stay while others make an exit, that don't always come with an explanation.

When I love... I love hard.  I look forward to sharing experiences, the memories, the hopes, the joy, the prayers, the world with "you."

Every year for my birthday, I reflect and I let go.  I accepted and I purge what seems to no longer require a place in my life.  "Friends" that I continually initiate communication, connecting and hanging out, and just having a presence, I am sadden when their life seems to be moving, and I am not even a part of what is going on, I feel that I am not even a thought to your world in the presence, only a footnote in your past.

Some relationships I recognize I've sought them out because I of whatever it is I'm missing in my life.  So when things go a certain way, I remind myself that I asked for this.  That I have some responsibility for the things that are going on.  So now I'm reflecting on how people treat me.  The saying that keeps coming through my mind lately is "don't let someone treat you like an option, when you should be a priority."

I miss them sometimes to the point of my heart aches, I questions what happened, (or didn't happen), but then I go back to my life.

Because of you, my heart grew.  You will always be in my heart, but I'm excited to let you go.

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